Page 3 - Handling EXPO KSA 2024
P. 3

Saudi Arabia ….

          Warehousing Sector                                                    Saudi Arabia, along with the rest of

                                                                                the  world,  is  seeing  a  rise  in  e-
          Massive Investment                                                    commerce. The Saudi e-commerce
                                                                                grew  74  percent  during  the  last
                                                                                two  years. This sizzling growth  is
          Opportunities                                                         putting pressure on Saudi Arabia’s

                                                                                warehousing  sector  to  provide
                                                                                more space for online retailers.
          The  Saudi  dry  warehousing  market  grew  by  2.8  percent  between
          2015 and 2020 and will continue to grow until at least 2025. The
          industrial  and  retail  industries  are  responsible  for  the  largest  Saudi Arabia needs more state-of-
          percentage of this expansion. The warehousing market is largest in    the-art facilities. Businesses in the
          the  cities  of  Jeddah,  Riyadh,  and  Dammam.  While  Jeddah  has  a  e-commerce  space  need  modern
          majority of the warehouse revenue share, all three cities play a key  warehouses  so  that  they  can
          role in the expansion of warehousing in Saudi Arabia.                 receive, process, and ship product
                                                                                efficiently, accurately, and quickly.
          As a result of growth in the retail sector, increased manufacturing
          activity,  and  expanding  international  trade,  Saudi  Arabia’s     The retail sector accounts for half
          warehousing needs are growing.
                                                                                of warehousing revenue. It’s clear
          Saudi Arabia’s cold storage market is projected to reach $2.5 billion  that  there  is  a  need  for  more
          by  2024.  With  this  growing  demand  in  mind,  forecasters  see  the  additional  warehousing  space  to
          warehousing market in Saudi Arabia continuing its upward trend.       accommodate projected growth.
          the warehousing market expects a compound annual growth rate
          increase of 4.1 percent through 2023.
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